
About Us

Inspired by children’s fashion, JSP962 brings clothing collections with new and exclusive designs for your little ones.

With more than 30 years of experience in developing and producing children’s clothing, JSP962 is committed to continuous innovation in order to stay competitive in the market while at the same time maintaining and improving our customers’ brand loyalty here in Indonesia.

JSP962 will continue to innovate in the creation of fashionable designs with maximum comfort for children ages 0 to 14 years old.


Why JSP962?

Product Quality and Consistency

Our main focus is to create quality fashion products for children from exclusive and quality materials according to Fair Trade International Standards.

Up-to-Date Designs

We are committed to deliver unique designs in our products with elements of new trends, appealing colors, and a wide variety of eye-catching accessories.

Product Variation

With a rich product line availability, we encourage our customers to engage in the creative process of mixing and matching the clothing pieces we provide in our collections to come up with a look that is uniquely and confidently theirs.


Contact Us


Jl. Cigondewah Kaler No.274
Cijerah, Bandung, West Java 40534
(+62) 22 6076774

Copyright © 2024. PT Jusindo Sumberprakarsa. IDR 59000 - IDR 399000

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