
Frequently asked Questions

Am I required to be a member before ordering and purchasing JSP962’s products online?

  • Yes. Before you order and purchase our products, you are required to register an account on our website. This will allow for a more convenient shopping experience as you will never have to refill your customer information form on your next order purchase.

How do I make payment on this website?

How do I use the discount code?

  • When you are about to check out, type in your promotion code on the column provided. One purchase order will be subject to only one promotional code whenever available. Please kindly observe our terms and conditions regarding valid promotional codes.

Where will my order confirmation be sent to?

  • All order confirmation will automatically be sent to you via the email that you have included in your account registration form.

What happens after I have clicked on the ‘Check Out’ button?

  • When you have clicked on the ‘Check Out’ button, that means you have purchased the items in your shopping cart. We will process your orders after you have confirmed your orders by clicking the ‘Confirm’ button on www.jsp962.com/konfirmasipemesanan. When your orders are confirmed, we will send them over to the listed intended recipients’ addresses on a timely manner.

Can I change or cancel my orders?

  • All orders that have been checked out but not paid within 24 hours will automatically be canceled. However, if the orders have been paid for, they cannot be changed or canceled.

Where can I get most up-to-date information regarding promotions and new products from JSP962?

  • You can get the newest information about JSP962 and its products via e-mail by signing your e-mail addresses up on the newsletter column on our website or by liking and following JSP962’s social media pages (Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter).

Does JSP962 have offline/ physical stores?

  • Aside from purchasing our products from our online store, JSP962’s products can also be purchased at Matahari Department Store and Yogya Department Store in Indonesia.

How do I contact Customer Service?

  • For all information, comments, and suggestions, please contact JSP962’s Customer Service department at:

    Working hours:
    Monday - Friday (08.00 - 17.00)

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